Our Projects
As well as holding its regular monthly meetings, Interfaith MK has undertaken a number of projects and activities over the years with the aim of developing greater understanding and respect for religious faith. See below for more on these activities.
Voices of Faith
The Voices of Faith project was a two-year activity lasting from April 2009 and March 2011, aimed at providing opportunities for young people to learn more about the various religious faiths which are present within Milton Keynes. It had financial support from the Faiths in Action fund.
The project set up visits to places of worship around Milton Keynes and meetings with people from the different faith communities. It resulted in the production of two booklets, one on Buddhism in Milton Keynes and another on Sikhism in Milton Keynes.
For more information, email Ken Harris via interfaithmk@gmail.com
Women's Voices
A group of women from many different faith groups meets several times a year in a women-only space to share stories and discuss matters of mutual concern and interest. It has the simple aim of building friendships and increasing our understanding of each other's lives and beliefs.
If you think you might enjoy coming to this group which is very open and easy for newcomers to join, please contact the Convenors on interfaithmk@gmail.com
All women welcome.
We are inviting applications for a new Women's Voices coordinator.
Local Faith and Global Issues
The Local Faith and Global Issues project was a one-year project undertaken to explore the ability of people from different faiths to work together in putting forward teachings and practice from their own faith traditions which inspired them to work for solutions to the many global issues facing the world at this present time.
After having surveyed members of different faiths to arrive at a priority list of global issues, people from the different faith traditions were asked to contribute items from their faith which were of relevance to these particular issues.
Contributions from over 40 people were received and were edited into a booklet entitled 'Voices of Faith ....in a fragmented world'.
Copies of this booklet can be obtained by contacting Ken Harris on 01296 720454.